Box vs OneDrive

August 25, 2021

Box and OneDrive: Which One to Choose?

Choosing the right cloud storage provider is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. In this comparison, we'll take a look at Box and OneDrive, two cloud-based storage options that offer a variety of features and benefits.


Box is a cloud storage platform that specializes in enterprise storage solutions. It provides businesses with an easy-to-use file sharing system that allows for secure collaboration and storage.

On the other hand, OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud-based storage service. It provides users with a simple and easy-to-use system for storing and syncing their files across different devices.


Box Features:

  • Integrations with over 1,500 apps, including Salesforce, Slack, and Zoom
  • Secure file sharing and collaboration tools
  • AI-powered search feature that helps to locate specific files quickly
  • User management and custom branding options

OneDrive Features:

  • Easy integration with other Microsoft Office apps
  • Personal Vault feature that provides an additional layer of security for sensitive files
  • Automatic photo and video syncing from smartphone devices
  • Version history for easy file recovery

Storage and Pricing

Both Box and OneDrive offer a range of pricing plans based on individual or business needs. Here's a comparison of their pricing plans:

Box Pricing:

  • Personal: Free plan with 10GB of storage, and a $10/month plan with 100GB of storage
  • Business: Starts at $15/month per user for unlimited storage and a range of features, including workflow automation and advanced security options

OneDrive Pricing:

  • Personal: Free plan with 5GB of storage, and a $1.99/month plan with 100GB of storage
  • Business: Begins at $5/month per user for 1TB of storage and access to other Microsoft apps, with additional features available at higher price points


Both Box and OneDrive offer secure storage options for their users. Box provides end-to-end encryption for its files, while OneDrive uses TLS encryption to ensure secure file transfers.


Both Box and OneDrive are reliable cloud storage options, with 99.9% uptime guarantees. However, Box offers a more extensive range of integrations with other apps, providing a more versatile and customizable experience.


In conclusion, both Box and OneDrive offer reliable cloud storage options with a range of features and benefits. Ultimately, choosing between the two will depend on individual or business needs and budgets. Both have unique features that will be beneficial to different users.

We hope this comparison has helped you choose the best option for your needs.


  1. Pricing
  2. Microsoft OneDrive Pricing
  3. Box Security Features
  4. Microsoft OneDrive Security

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